The Organizing Committee of the 2017 IEEE Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC 2017) invite students, researchers and practitioners worldwide to submit full papers for consideration to be presented in this international conference as regular paper in the areas of POWER, ELECTRONICS and COMPUTING.
– July 14, 2017: full paper submission.
– September 4, 2017: Acceptance Notification.
– September 18, 2017: Final paper submission.
– November 8-10, 2017: ROPEC 2017.
VENUE: Hotel Azul Ixtapa Grand, Ixtapa, Gro. Mexico. ( )
More information of the conference at
Submissions are solicited, but not limited to, in the following areas:
– Electric Power Systems, Power Quality, Electrical Power System Control and Protection, Electric Machinery, Renewable Energy, FACTS, Custom Power, Smart Grids
– Analogical and Digital Electronics, Microcontrollers and DSP’s, Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Diagnosis and Fault Detection, Power Electronics, Instrumentation, Robotics, Biomedical Applications
– Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computation, Pattern Recognition, Vision, Software Engineering, WEB Technologies, Distributed Systems, Intelligent Systems, Parallel Processing, Optimization
– Conferences, Special sessions, Oral presentations, Industrial exhibition, Social and cultural events
Submitted papers should adhere to the specifications in ROPEC 2017 author guidelines. Each submission to the special sessions will undergo the same revision process as regular papers submitted to ROPEC 2017. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and to present the communication at the conference, if it is accepted. All accepted and presented papers in ROPEC 2017 will be published in the corresponding proceedings and they will be indexed by IEEExplore.
The paper title as well as the abstract has to be in English, and the body of the paper either English or Spanish and is limited to 6 pages using the IEEE templates found at
It has to be submitted in PDF format using easychair for the reviewing process at:
Kind regards,
ROPEC 2017 Technical Committee.