Dear Colleagues,
The Organizing Committee of the 2020 IEEE Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics, and Computing (ROPEC 2020) invites students, researchers, and practitioners worldwide to submit research papers for consideration to be presented at the conference in the areas of POWER, ELECTRONICS, and COMPUTING.
Additionally, you are invited for participating in ROPEC in any of the following Special Sessions (see the corresponding CFP for more information and specific topics):
• Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Condition Monitoring of Electric Machines and Systems
• Biomedical Applications
• Evolutionary Computation
• Internet of Things
• Materials and Devices for Emerging Technologies
• Power Converters Applied to Renewable Energy Systems
• Renewable Energy
• Vision and Language
ROPEC is an annual conference organized by IEEE Centro Occidente Section (and partner universities, research centers, and companies). It is a friendly conference that encourages the participation of postgraduate students as well as established researchers. Since 2013 all the accepted papers can be found at IEEEXplore, and in 2014 the organizing committee decided to hold the conference at Ixtapa (Mexico) to have a major exposure and facilitate the travel to international attendees.
Submitted papers should adhere to the specifications in ROPEC 2020 author guidelines. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and to present the communication at the conference if it is accepted. All accepted and presented papers in ROPEC 2020 will be published in the corresponding proceedings, and the proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.
Papers have to be submitted in PDF format using easychair for the reviewing process at:
– July 24, 2020: full paper submission.
– September 7, 2019: Acceptance Notification.
– September 20, 2019: Final paper submission.
– November 4-6, 2020: ROPEC 2020.
Venue: Azul Ixtapa Grand, IXTAPA, Mexico.
Submissions are solicited, but not limited to, in the following general areas of the ROPEC:
– Electric Power Systems
– Power Quality
– Electrical Power System Control and Protection
– Electric Machinery
– Renewable Energy
– Custom Power
– Smart Grids
– Analogical and Digital Electronics
– Microcontrollers, DSP’s and FPGA
– Control of Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems
– Fuzzy Logic
– Diagnosis and Fault Detection
– Power Electronics
– Instrumentation
– Robotics
– Biomedical Applications
– Neural Networks
– Genetic Algorithms
– Pattern Recognition
– Vision
– Software Engineering
– WEB Technologies
– Distributed Systems
– Intelligent Systems
– Parallel Processing
– Optimization
– Conferences
– Special sessions
– Oral presentations
– Industrial exhibition
– Social and cultural events
Paper submission:
The paper title, as well as the abstract, have to be in English, and the body of the paper either English or Spanish, and is limited to 6 pages. The mandatory templates to be used in order to submit your contributions can be downloaded from the following link:
Important: Due to the health contingency created by Covid-19, there is the possibility that the conference will take place virtually and accepted articles will be published in IEEExplore. This decision will be sent along with the acceptance notification.
Kind regards,
ROPEC 2020 Technical Committee.
More information at: (
The full call for papers at